Follow Fest Blog – Day 5

I’ve joined the Follow Fest, a blog hop that was set up (thank you!) by Melissa Maygrove, whose blog is well worth lingering over.

This is a sort of ‘meet and greet’ for bloggers who want to meet other bloggers, or who would love to invite others to drop by and enjoy their blogs.

We’re all writers, and we are asked to provide information about ourselves in our posts.  …And here is mine:

I am:  Diana Wilder A, HF,F,TH,M

My blog is at:

Diana Wilder

Fiction or nonfiction? 
Fiction (I enjoy telling stories)

What genres do you write? 
I write historical fiction, usually involving a mystery, often with a love story.

Are you published? 
I have six books published:  A series of four books set in Egypt (several mysteries there), an adventure and romance set in the American Civil War, and a mystery set in 1830’s Paris. This last was published under a different name.  I am bringing it out under my own name.

Do you do anything in addition to writing?

I do my own cover art.  I participate in beta reads.  I am also an excellent cheerleader

Where can people connect with you?

My blog is here:

You can go to my website:

You’ll find sample chapters, blurbs, outlines, my thoughts on various subjects, and a lot of pictures.   

(    @diana_wilder     )

(you can find my personal page by typing in my name – Diana Wilder)

You can email me at:  This email address   (I love to answer)

Author pages:



Is there anything else you’d like us to know?

I participate each year in the ABNA contest (and the discussion boards).  I am happy to post cover reveals and information on releases.  While I can’t do horror or some paranormal (too active an imagination) I’m delighted to participate in cover reveals or interviewsor information on releases.  I ansl will participate in beta reads, depending on the genre. I’ll need beta readers shortly, since I have one story coming out soon.  Allowing for my issues with some genres (my quirk, not the genres!) I’m happy to beta-read or provide feedback.
I have the recipe for the very best chocolate cake on the planet.  Some day I will post it.  Email me with a request and I’ll send it to you!